Life Groups

We believe there are three main aspects for making disciples.
Love. Grow. Serve.

It is vital that we are continually growing in our faith. No one reaches perfection in faith. Each of us always has more room to grow.

We make space for growth in life groups. A life group is a place to learn more about God, encourage other believers, share struggles together, and serve each other and the community. We have several life-groups meeting throughout the week. Some life-groups meet Sunday morning before worship services, others meet on different nights during the week.

Click here to check out our Life Groups and get connected!



Our love for God, love for others, is a key component of discipleship. It is love Jesus says will convince the world we are his disciples (John 13:35). The entire law and prophets is boiled down to loving God and loving people (Matthew 22:37ff). We express our love for God and others by gathering on a weekly basis to worship and have a welcoming place for others to come and experience God.


It is vital that we are continually growing in our faith. No one reaches perfection in faith. Each of us always has more room to grow.We make space for growth in life groups. A life group is a place to learn more about God, encourage other believers, share struggles together, and serve each other and the community. We have several life-groups meeting throughout the week. Some life-groups meet Sunday morning before worship services, others meet on different nights during the week. Click here to see a full list of our Life-Groups!


Service is a crucial aspect of what it means to be a disciple. We provide many different opportunities for you to get plugged in and involved serving in the Church or in different ministries we support.

Want to learn more or get involved in a life-group or in serving in any way?

Simply fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch with you.